HP LP3065

HP LP3065

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Stop your co-workers in their tracks with the stunning new 30-inch diagonal HP LP3065 Flat Panel Monitor. This flagship monitor features best-in-class performance and presentation features on a huge wide-aspect screen while letting you work as comfortably as possible - you might even forget you're at the office

test 1 16GB
No. of Cores 4

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Minions ipsum butt aaaaaah tank yuuu! Jeje underweaaar gelatooo tatata bala tu belloo! Poulet tikka masala bananaaaa jiji bappleees. Po kass tatata bala tu belloo! Butt butt daa hana dul sae pepete. Chasy belloo! Bappleees po kass belloo! Pepete bananaaaa potatoooo wiiiiiMinions ipsum butt aaaaaah tank yuuu! Jeje underweaaar gelatooo tatata bala tu belloo! Poulet tikka masala bananaaaa jiji bappleees. Po kass tatata bala tu belloo! Butt butt daa hana dul sae pepete. Chasy belloo! Bappleees po kass belloo! Pepete bananaaaa potatoooo wiiiii.

  • Views: 10290
  • Brand: Hewlett-Packard
  • Product Code: Product 21
  • Reward Points: 300
  • Availability: In Stock
0 Product(s) Sold
  • $122.00
  • Ex Tax: $100.00
  • Price in reward points: 400

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